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Happy New Year from our Board Chair

Dear Friends and Family,

I grew up in rural Licking County, Ohio. I learned early on the importance of being of service to others. To always remember that I have a responsibility to be the helping hand to others in need. This unique insight has helped me professionally as a realtor for more than 37 years.

I’ve been entrenched in the nonprofit world for some time. I served as the board chair of the Open Shelter for more than 10 years. I still remain on that board today. I have worked with United Way of Licking County in an allocations capacity. I served on the board of The Woodlands as the fundraising chair for many years, helping to build and maintain their award-winning battered women’s shelter. I have a well-vested interest in the addiction and recovery community of Columbus, Ohio, having served as a mentor to many others who were reclaiming their lives from years of addiction.

My interest in the mental health arena springs from my experience with family members who suffer with depression and anxiety disorders. I believe in staying behind with those who are left behind, whether it be addiction, abuse and neglect, homelessness, or mental health challenges. My work with PLAN is close to my heart as I am reminded of how we are all in this community together. The question I always ask myself is, “Why should I not try to be of service?” The answer is clear.

Best wishes to you and yours this new year,

Shawn Redman, Board Chairman


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